Our association is a project to spread Japan's modern art, design and other cultural information around the world according to a concept of aesthetic sense, regardless of genre, and with a main focus on the young generation. Our role is to commercialize works with collaborations between modern artists and traditional Japanese craftsmanship and expand their recognition . Therefore, we set up a studio for artists to work in, and provide a gallery to announce works, a place for manufacturing projects for the commercialization of artistic works as well as a place for sales. We will also fully engage in the production of a magazine for publication that will present this entire process.
The first round of the exhibition at +81 JAPAN CREATIVE GALLERY opens by “HIDEKI NAKAJIMA & HIDEKI INABA GRAPHIC EXHIBITION”. The two people will hold an exhibition in Brooklyn, NY for the first time together, who are prominent among the graphic scene in Japan and the world. It is an exhibition that can discover the Japanese “aesthetic sense” in the graphic works of two people who conceal the ferocity in the delicate and among graceful that is one of Japanese characteristic.
+81 JAPAN CREATIVE GALLERYのオープンとなる第1回目の展覧会は、「HIDEKI NAKAJIMA & HIDEKI INABA GRAPHIC EXHIBITION」です。日本が誇る、世界のグラフィック・シーンで著名な2人が、初めて共にNYのブルックリンで作品展を開催します。日本人の特性ともいえる繊細で、優美ななかに凶暴性を秘める2人のグラフィック作品に、日本人の「美意識」を発見できる展覧会です。
Day: December 5, 2013 - January 26, 2014
Venue Hours: From 12:00 To 19:00
Address: 155 Plymouth St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (718) 801-8037
Web site:
[email protected]