An introduction / Ville Andersson
Young Artist of the Year 2015を受賞。フィンランドを代表する気鋭のヴィジュアルアーティストVille Andersson日本初個展が、DIESEL ART GALLERYにて開催される。
Ville Anderssonは、フィンランド最高芸術賞と称される“Young Artist of the Year 2015”を受賞した、現在注目のアーティストのひとり。ドローイング、写真、グラフィックなど、さまさざまな技法を用いたスタイルで、現実と空想との境目を行き来し、夢の中にいるような幻想的なビジュアルを創り出している。DIESEL ART GALLERYでは会期中、展示作品のほか日本未発売の作品集も販売。
タイトル:An introduction
会期:2016年2月26日(金)- 5月20日(金)
住所:東京都渋谷区渋谷1-23-16 cocoti B1F
協賛:ディー・ディー・ウェーブ株式会社 / TRNK / 株式会社リネクト
DIESEL ART GALLERY presents Finnish visual artist Ville Andersson’s first solo exhibition in Japan.
Refined visuals by remarkable artist who won the Young Artist of the Year 2015, one of the biggest and best known Finnish art awards.
Ville Andersson (b. 1986, Loviisa, Finland) is known for his refined works that he realizes with many different techniques. Photography, painting and drawing hold an equal position in Andersson’s working process. He strives to find the most natural form of expression for his thoughts and ideas, and on the other hand to study how different mediums and techniques influence his work.
Andersson’s works are strikingly stripped-down, which is emphasized by their frugal colour spectrum, limited to black, white and gray. Everything extraneous has been eliminated. Consistent striving for flawless aesthetics is especially visible in the newest works of Andersson. In them, whiteness is dazzling in its purity and emptiness. In some of the works of the series, the white subject almost vanishes into its white background.
Title : An introduction
Date : 2016.2.2(6 FRI)- 5.20(FRI)
Phone : 03-6427-5955
Web :
Hours : 11:30-21:00
Holidays : non-regular holiday
Curation : +81
Sponsor : D.D.WAVE Co.,Ltd. / TRNK / RENECT Co.,Ltd.
Supported by : EMBASSY OF FINLAND,Tokyo