清川あさみ新作『I:I』を収録した作品集の発刊を記念して、5月1日(日)に表参道のEYE OF GYREにて、本書先行販売の購入者限定によるサイン会を開催
日時:2016年5月1日(日) ◎『I : I』先行販売 11:00〜 ◎清川あさみサイン会 15:00〜
糸に拘りを持ち続けてきたアーティスト清川あさみの15周年記念として、現在EYE OF GYREにて開催中の新作のみで構成された個展「ITOTOITO」のメイン・アートワークとして展示されている『I:I』シリーズの全27作品を収録。作家本人のInstagramにアップされた画像のネガポジ色を反転させ、一方は写真紙に、もう一方は縦糸を連ねた面に転写させた最新作『I:I』は、虚飾に満ちた記憶や風景の日常の裏側が表現され、たった一本の「糸」が大切な何かを繋ぎ、幾十にも重なりながら記憶を編み込むことで物語が紡がれている。作家自身の深層心理までもが垣間見える1冊となっている。
清川あさみ 『I : I』
翻訳:Taro Masushio
判型:W182 × H257mm
仕様:ハードカバー / 128P
Asami Kiyokawa’s Portfolio Book I:I Pre-Order Sale and Book-Signing Event
We are pleased to announce that Asami Kiyokawa is going to have a book-signing event at EYE OF GYRE, Omotesando as a limited early purchase privilege on May 1st, 2016.
Date: May 1st (Sun), 2016 I : I Pre-Sale from 11a.m. Book-Signing Event from 3p.m.
Address: 5-10-1 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku Tokyo
・The event is a limited early purchase privilege of the portfolio book 'I:I' that will be available at EYE OF GYRE from 11a.m. A claim ticket will be given to a purchaser.
・Limit one per customer while supplies last.
・The book-signing event is limited to 100 early purchasers and will be on a “first come, first served” basis.
Book Overview
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of an artist Asami Kiyokawa, who is particular about threads (art pieces with embroidery stitches,) she is having a solo show ITOTOITO at EYE OF GYRE exhibiting only new artworks. This portfolio book introduces her 27 artworks of the main ‘I:I’ series that are displayed at the exhibition. For Asami’s new series ‘I:I’, she reverses the negative and the positive of images posted on her Instagram and prints one of the images on photographic paper while the other is transferred onto the surface where only the warp threads are lined. Her artworks represent ostentatious memories and behind scenes of everyday life. Just one “thread” blinds and ties something precious, and the layered “threads” weave our memories and spins our stories. When you go through the portfolio book, you will also see the scene of Asami’s psyche.
I : I Asami Kiyokawa
Editorial Designer: Hideki Nakajima
Photographer: Mikiya Takimoto
Translater: Taro Masushio
Size: W182 × H257mm
Specification: hard cover / 128P
Publisher: +81publishers
Manufacturer: Kawade Shobo Shinsha
Price: ¥4,104 (tax included)