Established in 1969, one of the world’s biggest international photo contests the Nikon Photo Contest is calling for entries.
Nikon has been producing myriads of products from high performance lenses to digital cameras. Nikon Corporation, has been holding The Nikon Photo Contest International since 1969. The contest has been supporting many photographers who are inspiring our way of thinking through the common language of the world, images. This contest has now opened for 2017 entries.
The Next Generation Award and THE OPEN Award, share the same theme, “Future”; expecting promising works expressing the future of visual culture. The Nikon 100th Anniversary Award holds the theme “Celebration”, asking for works that capture joyful moments from all around the world. The winners will be notified around July 2017. Prizes for the awards are Nikon digital cameras, and for the Nikon 100th Anniversary, 500,000 yen. For further information on submission rules and guidelines, visit their website.
Title: Nikon Photo Contest 2016-2017
Entry deadline:Unitil Friday, January 27nd 2017 (closes at 13:00 Japan standard time)
Entry Guidelines: all categories in photography and video will accept entries from any digital device including smartphones, except for the Nikon 100th Anniversary Award,
which is limited to Nikon equipment. Furthermore, it will broaden the accepted length of video from 6 to 180 seconds. There are no restrictions for age, sex, professions, and nationalities.
1969年に設立された、世界最大規模の国際写真コンテスト「Nikon Photo Contest」が作品募集中
数々の高性能レンズやデジタル・カメラを世に送り出してきたニコンが、1969年より映像という世界共通言語を通して、人々の考え方に影響を与えるフォトグラファーをサポートし、向上心あるコミュニティーを育む国際写真コンテスト「Nikon Photo Contest」を開催。2017年度の作品応募の受付を開始している。
Next Generationと一般部門では、“Future”を共通のテーマとし、映像文化の未来を期待させるような、可能性ある作品を、ニコン創立100周年記念部門では、“Celebration”をテーマに、世界中のさまざまな喜びの場面にスポットを当てた作品を求めている。受賞作品の発表は2017年7月頃を予定しており、各受賞者にはニコン・デジタル・カメラを贈呈、グランプリ受賞者には500,000円が授与される。詳しい、諸条件や応募要項はHPを。
タイトル:Nikon Photo Contest 2016-2017