A Nikon 100th Anniversary Award with the theme, Celebration, was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Nikon's establishment for this, the 36th Nikon Photo Contest. In addition to the Nikon 100th Anniversary Award, entries were also accepted in the Next Generation and Open categories, the theme of which was Future. A total of 21,511 photographers from 170 countries and regions submitted 76,356 works, marking a new record for the Contest in terms of the number of countries and regions from which entries were submitted. Final judging took place at the beginning of June 2017 in Tokyo. Judging was performed by an international panel of 10 professionals from a variety of fields. In the end, a total of 58 works for Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize per category and format (single photo/photo story/video). In this exhibition, winning works of the Nikon Photo Contest 2016-2017, some items that have etched the history of Nikon and we will exhibit a special models and goods for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary will be exhibited. Please take a look at the history and the capacity of the culture of image and some outstanding works that reflect “modernity“.
About the Nikon Photo Contest
Nikon Photo Contest is an international photo contest with a significant history behind it. The goal of the contest is to provide an opportunity for photographers around the world to communicate and to enrich photographic culture for professionals and amateurs alike. Since the first Contest was held in 1969, hundreds of thousands of photographers from around the world have participated and shown their support for the Contest. To date, more than 410,000 photographers have submitted over 1,620,000 photographic works in the contest, making it a truly international event.
Title: Nikon Photo Contest Photo Exhibition
Date: July, 29th - August, 2nd 2017
Hours: 11:00-19:00 (closing at 17:00 at the final day)
17-5 Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Entrance: Free
36回目を迎える今年、ニコンの創立100周年を記念して「ニコン創立100周年記念部門」を設置し、“Celebration”をテーマに作品を募集。また「Next Generation部門」および「一般部門」では“Future”をテーマとし、計3つの部門で募集を行いました。世界170におよぶ国と地域から合計21,511人、76,356点の作品応募があり、応募者の国と地域の数で過去最高を記録しています。2017年6月上旬、世界各国から集結した国際色豊かな審査員10名による最終審査が行われ、各部門とカテゴリのグランプリから3位まで、計58作品が選出されました。本エキシビションでは、それらニコン フォトコンテスト 2016-2017受賞作の数々と、ニコン創立100年の歴史を刻んできた名機、100周年を記念して作られた記念モデルやグッズを一堂に展示します。映像文化の持つ歴史と可能性、そして数々の「現代」を映し出した優れた作品をご覧ください。
タイトル:Nikon Photo Contest Photo Exhibition
開館時間:11:00-19:00 ※8/2(水) 17:00 CLOSE